Susan Ellen Bell

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March 11, 1935 - March 24, 2024

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Susan E. Bell, 89, of Westerville, OH-IO passed away peacefully on March 24, 2024. Susan was sweet and kind to everyone she met. She was loved by everyone who knew her. I know what Logan saw in her all those years ago.

Although these past 4 years have been a real challenge for her, Susan never complained. She could find good in every situation. She had wonderful people that helped and took care of her when she needed it for which she was truly thankful.

Susan's favorite things included reading and writing, feeding the birds, riding in the buggy with the top down on a warm summer day, shopping for a deal, and spending time with her family. Lets not forget texting. Susan loved to stay up to the minute with as many of her friends and family as allowed in a day's brief 24 hours.

Time sure did seem to go fast these past number of years. Dont put anything off until tomorrow because tomorrow may never come. Susan took every day as a blessing knowing only God knows how many days you have left. Suz will be missed by all. We can rest easy knowing Wagon came to take her home.

Susan is survived by 4 children, 8 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren, many nieces and nephews and her favorite sister Jo.

Susan didnt want anyone making a fuss over her passing so there will be no calling hours or funeral service.


MARC SMILEN - Aug 6, 2024

CONDOLENCES to the family. Could someone tell me if susan was an army veteran, If not, for what purpose did she go to Germany in the 1950s.

Donald Moody - Apr 1, 2024

Susan was a great friend and a a very kind person who would help out when in all times. My heart goes out to the family at this time of sorrow. Sue has received her angel wings.May God grant you peace.

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