Jerilyn Robinson

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October 18, 1944 - September 29, 2011

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Jerilyn Robinson, age 66, passed away on September 29, 2011 in her home. She was born on October 18, 1944 to Jeanne and Harry Murray. Survived by mother, Jeanne; brothers, R. Patrick Murray and Christopher Murray; daughter and son-in-law, Tracy and David Bickham; grandchildren, Jordan and Ty Bickham and numerous cousins. In accordance with Jerilyn’s wishes there will be no calling hours or funeral service. Arrangements by MORELAND FUNERAL HOME.


Lee & Irene Keyes - Oct 3, 2011

Jeanne & family
To hear of your lost has sadden us. Our prayers and love are
with you. God created humans with a yearning to live forever.
The Bible says that he put “ a sense of eternity in their hearts.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11. Psalm 83:18 Our first parents, Adam & Eve,
were created perfect, with no defect in mind or body.
(Deuteronomy 32:4) “The last enemy to be abolished is death.”
( 1 Corinthians 15:26)
Imagine-no chronic aches and pain, no morbid fear or anxieties!
Why, then do we die? Hope this thought and scriptures bring
Comfort to your heart, as they have mine during this time of sadness.

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