Patty Rowland

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Hello Jim and Alex, I am aquainted with the loss of — my special person –going to heaven. I am praying for you. The scripture that helped me move one more second forward– Maybe it can be a blessing/help to you! Isaiah 66:13
As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
God promises to comfort you. Lean on that promise like a delicacy. He wont fail you.
When I moved in temporarily after divorce with Paul. Tara took me and shawn around to as many pre-schools as we could find. we were going to get shawn in pre-school, then get me fulltime employed. I am in awle of her wisdom, as I listened to her advice, compassion, and she helped me set new goals for my life. I was better for it. Now, heaven is that much sweeter, and I can look forward to seeing her there when i arrive. If I can be a help in anyway, dont hesitate to contact me. You guys are always welcome in the Hocking Hills! sincerely, patty

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