Joe & Louise Monschein

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Dear Julie and family,
Our deepest regrets and sorrow for this loss. Joe and I were in Valley Forge together for almost a year, and during that time I was privileged to meet and visit with his family in Ohio. I can remember picnics, friends, and laughter with a family that loved Joe so very much. When he would visit my home, I can remember the whole neighborhood falling under his spell. Joe loved people, and in return they enjoyed, loved, and admired him. He had a laughter that was contagious, and he offered it to all, stranger and friend alike.
Joe was with me the night I met my wife, Louise, 40 years ago. He will always have a special and sacred place in our hearts that will not be denied by his passing. We were with Joe and Julie for their wedding and were introduced to an exciting new leaf in his life. Julie, thank you so very much for the family picture each Christmas, and all the planning and love that was involved with keeping that tradition alive.
Finally, I would like to say that Joe faced his illness with great courage, and as always, held firm as a gentleman, for that was what he was.
We will miss, but never forget him.
Joe & Louise Monschein

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