Jack and Dee Dorminey

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Dear Judy, Wayne, Jan, Charlie and families:
It isn’t usual that people feel like family to those not related, but that wasn’t the way you could feel around Ruby. She and your Dad just had a way of making people around them feel like relatives. Jack and I were certainly blessed to be part of that ‘extended’ family group.
It’s difficult to say her name without thinking of the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31. Your mother was ‘a price far above rubies.’ Her life truly is exampled in this beautiful proverb.
Our heartfelt sympathy to all of you who cared, loved and served her so closely during these past years. We are privileged to have known her. Our prayers are with all of you. And our hope is that you have a sense of comfort knowing she is where she ultimately wanted to be.
Love you. Jack and Dee Dorminey

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