Elizabeth Overmier
I am so sorry to hear this news. I am so glad I went to Laura’s house on my birthday. Laura was born one day before me, so on Aug. 25 we joked again about her being the old lady. We talked about her work at school, she told me how she looked after the students in the lunchroom like they were her own children. She told me about how her efforts helped one student improve his behavior. I told her the story of the little boy on the ocean beach saving starfish one at a time. I told her that boy is her starfish. She told me that I should rejoice that my family needs me to keep things in order. She also told me to run for her because her health wouldn’t let her be as active as her mind. She brought out wine, we had pizza. We talked about our children and how great they are doing. Even though we had not seen each other for awhile, it was like we were still living across the street from each other. That’s a rare friend, I will miss her and remember our last conversation for the rest of my life.