Dixie Davis
Dear Family and Friends of Carol,
I extend to you my deepest condolences on Carol’s passing. Though we never met in person, I have e-known her for a number of years through Corgi-L and Corgi Rescue-L. I just learned of her death, and it saddens me to hear that this fine person is gone. May you be consoled by the memories of her intellect and kind and generous nature.
I don’t know what arrangements have been made for her dogs, but please, if you need any help placing them, please contact me, and I will find someone in Ohio or thereabouts (I’m in Texas—a wee bit away) to take them.
At my father’s funeral, I read an Irish saying he had clipped out, along with the addendum he had penned at the bottom. It was a kind of precursor to the Rainbow Bridge story, saying that at the end of your life, when you cross through the golden gates, you will be greeted by all the dogs whose lives you touched on earth. My dad had written, “But think of the NOISE!”
I know that somewhere, Carol is being greeted by a cacophony of barks and howls.