Dave Hoy
Oh Karen, I’m heartbroken and I don’t know if I’ll get over this. I have to thank facebook for bring us back together after so many years. So thankful for the evening we spent catching up and getting to see you and Lori just a few weeks ago. I can still hear the excitement in your voice when you called to tell me about the new walking shoes you bought at Kohl’s so the two of us could start walking to help us both get in better shape! And thank you for introducing me to Wen. Even though it was just through Facebook, watching the post you two had back and forth were priceless! Watching you both during your vacation together made me almost feel like I was there with you too. Well now I will get to meet Wen but this isn’t the way it was supposed to be! I will do my best to help her get through this in anyway I can. I Promise! To all of your family and friends I have open arms and two shoulders to lean on. I am here for you as well! Karen, I Love You and Will Miss You FOREVER! Dave