Blanche Choate
Dear Fite Family , I am so saddened to hear of the death of your Dear mother, I will always remember
Mary alice as a warm and and loving person, I know you will all miss your Mother very much.
I pray that you will be conforted by these words the Bible says to be absent from the body is to be with the Lord .
also you can be assured that john and Kelly took great care of Mary Alice, I have only met some of you once but that was enough to tell me that you all are loving good people, I am so happy to have John as my Son inlaw, I love him very much , I know Kelly cound’t have found a better person if she looked the world over, I know the grandchildren will miss her, They will all remrmber her as Me Me,
Susan I know how hard it is living so far away from your mother it is very hard for me not to be able to just jump in the car and run over to see kelly john and the kids. I wish I could be their for you all so sorry , God bless you all ,
With our Love Sincerely Blanche And Herb Choate